Gaming News

Dungeon Siege Review

The guys over at ActionTrip have posted up a review of Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege, coming to about the same conclusion as I have: When it all comes down to it, this is the game Diablo II should have…

Equipment Update

I apologize for the lack of equipment updates the last few days, but I have been very busy working on some new additions to the Armor and Weapon databases (more about that soon). Additionally, I also received my gold copy…

Gas Powered Games & Creative Labs Q&A

Microsoft’s official Dungeon Siege website has been updated with a Q&A between Gas Powered Games and Creative Labs, talking about the implementation of EAX in Dungeon Siege: Q: Is there an interactive element to the music in Dungeon Siege? A:…

Icewind Dale II Designer Diary #4

Dave Maldonado, Black Isle’s designer for the upcoming Icewind Dale II, paid another visit to RPGVault to post the fourth of his Designer Diaries. Here’s a bit of what he had to talk about: Sure, we have legitimate excuses for…

Dungeon Siege First Impressions

The guys over at IGN PC have written up their first impressions of the soon-to-be-released Dungeon Siege, which, of course, is about as positive as you can get: With a world so populated by objects such as trees, plants, garbage,…

Camelot Grab Bag

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has posted another Grab Bag Q&A over at Camelot Herald answering some questions about crafted items, the new guild changes, and the upcoming PvP server: Q: Where can I find more information on the much-anticipated PVP server?…

Freedom Force Reviews

Two more glowing reviews of Irrational Games’ Freedom Force hit the web earlier today. The first is at GameSpot with an overall score of 9.0/10: Fortunately, the single-player game is highly replayable, if only because of the nearly limitless number…

News From Chris Taylor

Chris Taylor posted a newsbit on Gas Powered Games’ official Dungeon Siege website that talks about the game’s upcoming release and what their plans are for the future: Hey Everyone! As most of you know by now, Dungeon Siege has…

WoW Journal Entry #3

The official World of Warcraft website has been updated with a 3rd journal entry that describes a journey into the jungle realm of Stranglethorn. Check it out right here.

Morrowind Developer Q&A #11

RPGVault has continued with their Morrowind Developer Q&A sessions, this time posting number 21 in the series. Here’s a snippet: Q: What are the two or three spells that you use most often, and why do you find them so…