Gaming News

EverQuest Lawsuit

I read over at RPGDot that the Milwaukee Journal has published a story about a man who committed suicide last Thanksgiving, and that the unfortunate occurence may be potentially related to his EverQuest addiction. His mother is now filing a…

Scott Bilas Interview

The guys over at Circle of Elders have conducted a thorough interview with Scott Bilas of Gas Powered Games, asking him an assortment of questions about just how much of the game can be altered with the Siege Editor and…

Computer Role-Playing Games – Part II: Gold Rush & Beyond

GameSpy has posted a followup to yesterday’s Computer Role-Playing Games article, this one entitled Gold Rush & Beyond, which talks primarily about the success of SSI’s “Gold Box” games and the RPG drought of the 90s. Here’s a snippet: At…

Chris Taylor Chat @

Here it is, straight from my inbox: On Thursday, April 4, from 5pm to 6pm PST, Gas Powered Games president Chris Taylor will be in the Zone Theater Chat Room () to talk about Dungeon Siege, slated to hit store…

Shadowbane, when it’s ready.

Well now April Fool’s is over you can once again start paying attention to news headlines. And there were plenty of them floating around the Shadowbane community today. And just so we know it’s not a joke, Wolfpack didn’t flinch…

Dungeon Siege Review @ Gamers Depot

Another very positive Dungeon Siege review has surfaced, and this time it’s over at Gamers Depot. Check it out: The “Siege Engine” is really the muscle behind this game and goes a long way in allowing the development team to…

Pete Hines Interview @ MorrowindDot

Rendelius of RPGDot let us know that they’ve opened a new fan site called MorrowindDot, which (as you guessed it) is dedicated to Bethesda’s upcoming Morrowind. To kick off the new site, they’ve posted a short interview with Pete Hines.…

Dungeons & Dragons and Computer Role-Playing Games

The guys over at GameSpy have written up a very interesting article entitled Computer Role-Playing Games – Part 1: Tabletop Genesis & the Roaring 80s, which describes the beginnings of both Dungeons & Dragons and many of the earliest CRPGs,…