Gaming News

Version 1.50D Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.50D patch notes from Pendragon available on Camelot Herald. Included in today’s update are several bug fixes and the first round of combat style tweaks. Here’s a snippet: – You will be able to cancel a…

BioWare Introduces Live Team

Straight from my inbox: EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada – May 1st, 2002 – BioWare Corp. today announced the formation of the BioWare Live Team, a group of employees dedicated to supporting the fans of our games, the BioWare community. The Live…

Equipment Update

Tonight I was finally able to upload a long-overdue equipment update. There aren’t a whole lot of new pieces (due to lack of submissions), but, by popular demand, I’ve implemented a couple new search options. You’ll notice a new category…

A Look Back At Ultima VII

The guys over at RPGDot let us know that they’ve written up a review of what is my personal all-time favorite Ultima game, Ultima VII: The Black Gate, and its expansion, Ultima VII: Serpent Isle. With the fan-created Exult engine,…

BioWare Websites Down Tomorrow

The official BioWare website has been updated with the following news: We are upgrading our power systems. These web sites will not be available between 4am and 9am (MST) Wed. May 1: Sorry for the inconvenience.

Version 1.50C Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.50C patch notes from Pendragon available on Camelot Herald. Here’s a taste of what’s to come: – The Shaman level 50 armor has been replaced with a more suitable graphic. – Enemy players should now longer…

Morrowind Interview with Matt Fridley

Surely one of the last interviews before the game releases, GamingGroove takes short hand in a new interview with Matt Fridley of Bethesda. Here’s what they were jabberin’ about: Q: How would you describe the gameplay in the words of…

GameBanshee Feature: Morrowind Birthsigns are in the house!

Just completed the newest addition to our Morrowind page! We now have a complete listing of each of the 13 Birthsigns in the game, every ability/spell/power under the sign, and pics of the constellation that each sign falls under. Here’s…

Dungeon Siege Known Issues

Gas Powered Games’ official Dungeon Siege website has been updated with the following news: To help us focus ongoing feedback, we have created a ‘Known Issues’ page that summarizes commonly known problems that we are working to resolve. In some…

Respec & More In DAoC

After months of requests from many of Mythic’s Camelot fans, they’ve finally decided on a way to allow players to “respec” their characters and will be looking into making certain spell lines and combat styles more attractive. Matt Firor gives…