Gaming News

Warcraft III Preview

GameSpy has posted the latest preview of Blizzard’s soon-to-be-released Warcraft III. The article reveals quite a bit of information about the game, even revealing details about some of the earlier campaign missions, such as the following: The Defense of Strahnbrad:…

Morrowind Review @ GameSpot

Just in case Morrowind hasn’t made its way to your hard drive yet, you can pay a visit to GameSpot, where they’ve written a full review of the game. The verdict? An 8.7, which is a very positive score on…

Icewind Dale II Designer Diary #7

And in more IWD2 news, Chris Avellone paid a visit to RPGVault to dish out another Designer Diary, this time giving out some adventuring advice, revealing another magic item, showing off some new spell icons, and more. A snippet to…

Shadowbane Preview @ C&VG

The guys over at have put together a preview of Wolfpack’s highly anticipated Shadowbane, complete with a couple of new screenshots. A little something to get you started: While there are only four initial classes to choose from at…

Morrowind First Impressions @ IGN

IGN.PC has posted their first impressions of Bethesda’s recently released Morrowind. Overall, they have a lot of good things to say about the game, as most of the gaming community does. Here’s an excerpt: There are also quests associated with…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has kicked out another Grab Bag Q&A over at Camelot Herald, answering questions about item bonuses, the upcoming Roundtable gathering, and more. One of the questions and its answer to follow: Q: Before you all decided to…

Siege Editor Released!

That’s right, Dungeon Siege fans, the Siege Editor is now available for download according to the following press release: Create Your Own Fantasy World! Siege Editor Released for Dungeon Siege Microsoft today announced that the Siege Editor, the editing tool…

Todd Howard Interview

RPGVault has posted a Q&A session with Bethesda’s Todd Howard, picking his brain on how he feels now that the game has hit store shelves. Here’s a little something to get you started: Q: What were the essential strengths of…