Gaming News

Camelot Character Copy

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas stopped by the Camelot Herald to let everyone know that they are now allowing players to copy their characters from live servers to the Mordred PvP test server. In addition, you’ll be able to copy to Pendragon…

PlanetNeverwinter Redesigned

According to a press release GameSpy issued earlier today, PlanetNeverwinter has been officially reopened and redesigned under its own domain, so head on over and check it out.

Star Wars Galaxies Interview Tonight

The guys from X-Treme Gaming Radio let us know that they’ll be hosting an interview with Haden Blackman of LucasArts and John Donham of Sony Online later this evening. Here are the details: Last week Haden and John (thanks again…

Lionheart Preview @ Electric Playground

Black Isle’s Lionheart is the subject of a new preview over at Electric Playground today. Included in the article are several quotes from BIS during this year’s E3. Here’s a snippet: The game will have all of the things about…

Four Neverwinter Screenies

BioWare has really been dishing out new Neverwinter Nights screenshots lately, and this weekend was no exception. Two of them can be found at XGR, and two more can be found at HomeLan.

Todd Howard Interview

There’s an interview with Bethesda’s Todd Howard over at Shacknews today, talking about their recently released Morrowind. A taste: Q: One other thing that has been a source of debate on our site and other places, is…there are some role-playing…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

I apologize for the lack of news this weekend, but it was my birthday, so I was out of town partaking of some drunken insanity =). Now that I’m back, I noticed that I missed the Grab Bag Q&A that…

Icewind Dale II Designer Diary #9

The ninth installment of RPGVault’s Icewind Dale II Designer Diary has been posted, this time written by Black Isle’s Damien Foletto. In it, he talks about some of the pre-made parties you can choose to get into the action quickly,…

Judith Hoffman Interview

RPGDot has conducted a lengthy interview with Turbine’s Judith Hoffman, executive producer of Asheron’s Call 2. An excerpt to follow: Q: Are there NPCs to interact with? If so, how varied are they? A: AC2 is revolutionary in that there…