Gaming News

Lionheart Preview @

A preview of Black Isle and Reflexive Entertainment’s upcoming Lionheart has surfaced over at A snippet to follow: In a promising move, Black Isle has decided to use a re-jigged version of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L rule system, from post-apocalyptic role-player…

DAoC: Shrouded Isles Info & Screenshots

WorthPlaying has posted two brand new screenshots from the upcoming expansion for Dark Age of Camelot, Shrouded Isles. In addition to the eye candy, they’ve also posted answers to many questions people have about the expansion. Here’s a taste: Will…

Warhammer Online Preview

The latest preview of Warhammer Online can be found over at PC-Gaming. An excerpt below: Magic is said to hold the world together and will play an important part in the game, with so many ways to use it I…

Todd Howard Interview

The guys at Gaming Target had the opportunity to sit down with Bethesda’s Todd Howard and conduct a quick Q&A about Morrowind. Here’s a bit of what they talked about: Q: Did the visuals in the Xbox version turn out…

Freedom Force Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathan Chey, asking the developer several questions about the highly acclaimed Freedom Force and the game’s newly released v1.1 patch. Here’s an excerpt: Q: Are there plans for a full-fledged sequel…

Asheron’s Call 2 Site Update

The official Asheron’s Call 2 website has been updated with the following news: Today we have provided for your reading pleasure a look at AC’s dungeons, including a couple of wicked screenshots, as well as a thorough guide to crafting.…

Icewind Dale II Preview @ GameSpy

And in more IWD2 news, GameSpy has also posted a preview of the upcoming sequel. Their conclusion to follow: Our preview build of Icewind Dale II felt like a comfortable old shoe. It’s not as pretty as it was when…

Icewind Dale II Preview @ Icebound

The guys at Icebound have written up a preview of Icewind Dale II. Here’s a bit of what they had to say about it: Overall, IWD2 is an immensely enjoyable experience. I have played through the preview 3-4 times and…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted a Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about the Theurgist class, spell listings, the Pendragon character copier, and more. Take a look: Q: Why don’t acuity buffs…


Our third update tonight is the addition of a henchmen section here at our Neverwinter Nights site. As with our equipment and walkthrough areas, the henchmen section requires a Flashlink subscription. Included on each henchman’s page is a screenshot, location,…