Gaming News

Shadowbane Eye Candy

GameSpyDaily has gotten their hands on four brand new screenshots from Ubi Soft and Wolfpack’s upcoming MMORPG, Shadowbane. The shots show off a variety of environments, a few enemies, and some player models.

Neverwinter Nights Walkthrough Expanded

Between Equis, Demis, and I, we’ve greatly expanded our Neverwinter Nights walkthrough, adding a total of 33 new locations (mostly from Chapter Two). Additionally, the Henchmen Section contains new information on each henchman’s quest as it continues throughout the game.…

Equipment Update

Another pile of new and updated equipment… New/Updated Albion Armor: 9 ItemsNew/Updated Albion Weapons: 11 ItemsNew/Updated Hibernia Armor: 18 ItemsNew/Updated Hibernia Weapons: 13 ItemsNew/Updated Midgard Armor: 19 ItemsNew/Updated Midgard Weapons: 6 Items

Morrowind Review @ RPG Warehouse

A review of Morrowind can be found over at the RPG Warehouse, where they’ve scored the game 4.5 of 5 stars. Here’s what they had to say in the conclusion: This game is amazing. That seems to be the simplest…

Icewind Dale II Review @ Adrenaline Vault

The Adrenaline Vault has published their review of Icewind Dale II, in which they give the game an overall score of 4 Their final thoughts: For a game that’s billed as strictly linear, the multitude of possibilities in Icewind Dale…

Sean Dahlberg Interview

The Electric Playground had the chance to conduct an interview with Wolfpack’s Sean “Ashen” Dahlberg, in which they ask him several questions about their upcoming MMORPG, Shadowbane. As usual, a snippet: Q: I’ve frequently heard that a game that can’t…

Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes Preview

The latest preview of Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes can be found over at GameSpy today. An excerpt to follow: There will be nine different levels in the finished game and each one will have a variety of branching paths and…

Downloadable Morrowind Guide @ Stratos Group

Zaxxon from the Stratos Group dropped us an email letting us know that they’ve made their unofficial guide to Morrowind available for download. Details to follow: Our Unofficial guide to The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind has been extremely popular. In…

100 Nights of Neverwinter – Day Five

BioWare’s has made the fifth day of their “100 Nights of Neverwinter” available on their official site, once again giving away several prizes. Here’s the full press release from my inbox: EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada – October 2, 2002 – BioWare…

Morrowind Review @ NHGN

New Horizons Gaming Network has posted a review of Bethesda’s Morrowind, giving the game an overall score of 9 Check it out: Overall, this game is top-notch, and is a direct competition to Neverwinter Nights for RPG of the year.…