Gaming News

Version 1.65K Patch Notes (Test)

Straight from the Camelot Herald: =================================== Dark Age of Camelot 1.65k Version Release Notes October 6, 2003 =================================== NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES – This patch contains numerous Pendragon only bug fixes, including additional icon and pathing fixes. – Poleaxe’s…

Jade Empire Video

A new video on FilePlanet features GameSpy’s Psylancer talking with BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk about their recently announced XBox RPG, Jade Empire. The video was taken at this year’s Tokyo Game Show and weighs in at 177 MB.

Fable Goodies

Big Blue Box recently presented their upcoming Xbox RPG, Fable, at the Games Convention in Leipzig, after which ToTheGame has posted a whole batch of new screenshots and Gamer’s Hell is offering up a 12-minute presentation movie of BBB’s Peter…

Resonance Announced

Check it out: Neocell Factory announces Resonance (Montreal, Canada – October 06, 2003) Imagine a time where everything you believe and think you know becomes blurred and uncertain, a time where your darkest secrets, emotions and desires can be painstakingly…

Temple of Elemental Evil Review

Netjak has posted a review of Temple of Elemental Evil, giving the RPG an overall score of 6.3 Check it out: I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a game with so much potential. The developers went beyond what…

Two Dungeons & Dragons Heroes Reviews

A pair of Dungeons & Dragons Heroes reviews have hit the web, with one surfacing at Telefragged and the other showing up at GameSpy. The one at Telefragged came in at 85%: This is a hack and slash game at…

GameBanshee Feature: Guild Wars Interview

We’ve conducted an interview with ArenaNet, the developers currently working on the no-monthly-fee MMORPG, Guild Wars. Here’s a little bit to get you started: GB: How do you intend to deal with massive amounts of “player-killing”? Will there be “safe”…

Legends of Aranna Diary #2

The second installment to RPGVault’s Legends of Aranna diary is now available, in which Project Director and Lead Programmer Tara Teich talks about the expansion’s spell system. Check it out: Why I Love MagesThere’s something so very, very satisfying about…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has written up another Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she answers questions about account names, Savages losing insta-taunt, beta CDs, and more. A snippet: Q: Are you still doing character moves from Andred…