Gaming News

More Information About Fable on PC has posted a newsbit stating that they’ve contacted Lionhead and learned that a PC version of Fable has not been given a green light… yet. Here’s the gist of it: Fable-on-PC rumour and conjecture has whizzed like wildfire around…

Legends of Aranna Review

1Up has posted a review of Legends of Aranna, giving the Dungeon Siege expansion an overall score of 7.0 Their conclusion to follow: And so we’re lead to a swift conclusion and the biggest selling point of Legends of Aranna:…

GameSpotting Includes Fallout Discussion

The latest GameSpotting article on GameSpot includes quite a bit of discussion about Fallout, Fallout II, and the in-development Fallout III. In it, GameSpot’s Tor Thorsen scrutinizes Black Isle’s financial situation and its recent departure of many key members. An…

Ultima X: Odyssey Interview

The guys at have conducted an interview with Origin’s Jon (Calandryll) Hanna, asking him several questions about the upcoming Ultima X: Odyssey. Check it out: Q: What do you think will make Odyssey stand out from other online games…

Guild Wars Site Update

The official Guild Wars website has been updated with the following: We’ve expanded our Community Section today to add a news page for fansites. Click the Community flag on the left-hand nav bar, or this direct link into the Community…

Legends of Aranna Review

GameZilla has posted a glowing review of Gas Powered Games and Mad Doc’s Legends of Aranna expansion for Dungeon Siege. There is no overall score, but they rank it as “Highly Recommended.” An excerpt: This is a fantastic title, and…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has been updated with the following: This week’s Hordes goodies include: Dwarven Defender Prestige Class, Part 4 of Deekin’s Big Adventure, a new article on Character Customization at GameSpy, a new spell, and 3 new feats at…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Interview

UGO has conducted an interview with Ion Storm’s Warren Spector, asking the developer a slew of questions about the soon-to-be-released Deus Ex: Invisible War. Check it out: Q: Do you think gamers – particularly, console gamers who haven’t experienced a…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Xbox Preview

The guys at TeamXbox have written up a preview of the Xbox version of Deus Ex: Invisible War, in which they have many positive comments and this to say in their conclusion: At this point all we can say is.where…

Hordes of the Underdark Preview

GameSpot has put together a preview of Hordes of the Underdark, the soon-to-be-released expansion for Neverwinter Nights. An excerpt to follow: Since you start with such a powerful character, Hordes quickly throws you into the action. The battles have an…