Gaming News

EverQuest: Gates of Discord Reviews

A pair of reviews for Sony’s recently released Gates of Discord expansion hit the web earlier today. The first is over at IGN PC with an overall score of 9/10: With such a large number of changes in one expansion,…

The Matrix Online Site Update

Warner Brothers’ official Matrix Online website has been updated with new information about spy abilities. Here’s a snip to get you started: Disguise – Disguising one’s self in the Matrix is far more than changing clothes, or putting on a…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Review

Foxfire has posted a review of Deus Ex: Invisible War, giving the futuristic RPG an overall score of 7.5 Their conclusion: Deus Ex: Invisible War is an enjoyable game if you’re willing to handicap yourself and put up with a…

SpellForce Review

The Adrenaline Vault has posted a review of SpellForce: The Order of Dawn, giving the RTS/RPG hybrid an overall score of 4 Check it out: Games that capture my attention and imagination as thoroughly as SpellForce has are exceedingly rare…

Icewind Dale: Ultimate Collection Review

Gaming Age has dished up a very positive review of Black Isle’s Icewind Dale: Ultimate Collection, which features the original title, its sequel, and expansions. Overall, they gave the compilation an “A-” and had this to say in their conclusion:…

Icewind Dale: Ultimate Collection Review

Gaming Age has dished up a very positive review of Black Isle’s Icewind Dale: Ultimate Collection, which features the original title, its sequel, and expansions. Overall, they gave the compilation an “A-” and had this to say in their conclusion:…

Champions of Norrath Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Sony and Snowblind’s Champions of Norrath have made their way to the ‘net. The first is over at Gamers With Jobs with a positive tone overall: In closing, I’d say this is a must-play…

Beyond Divinity Demo Reviews

Two websites have dished up reviews for Larian Studios’ recently released Beyond Divinity demo. The first is Silven Crossroads: Name your hero (unless you want to go through the entire game known only as (Hero)), and choose your difficulty from…

GameBanshee Feature: SpellForce Contest

GameBanshee and Encore have teamed up to offer you a contest in which you can win one of two copies of SpellForce: The Order of Dawn. To enter the contest, simply drop us an email with your name, street address,…

Champions of Norrath Interview

eToyChest has conducted an interview with Robert Hill, producer of the recently released PS2 action RPG, Champions of Norrath. A snippet to follow: Q: What have you done to make the game long and challenging, in other words to give…