Gaming News

Vampire: Bloodlines Weekly Update #11

Activision’s Shane DeFreest has sent us another weekly update for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines via email. Straight from my inbox: Q: Will the friction of certain surfaces affect player movement/combat? For Example, will fighting on dry blacktop be noticably…

Guild Wars E3 Preview

WorthPlaying has put together a preview of Guild Wars, based upon what they saw of the MMORPG on the show floor of this year’s E3. Here’s a snippet: One of their goals is to reduce what they term to be…

Horizons Review

MPOGD has tossed up a review of Horizons: Empire of Istaria, giving the MMORPG an overall score of 9.2 Their conclusion to follow: Overall, Horizons has done a lot of things right, but just might have focused a little too…

World of Warcraft Preview

WomenGamers has put together a three-page preview of World of Warcraft, based upon some hands-on time with the ongoing beta. Check it out: Loot drops in this game quite frequently almost like the way you expect loot to drop in…

GB Feature: X-Arcade 2-Player Controller Review

We’ve posted a review of Xgaming’s X-Arcade 2-Player controller, the dual joystick system that is designed to provide an arcade experience on a host of platforms, including the PC, Xbox, Playstation 1 & 2, and GameCube. The device does what…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Review

The guys at Quandary have tossed up a review of Deus Ex: Invisible War, giving the futuristic RPG sequel an overall score of 4.5 Their conclusion to follow: All in all, DE:IW proffers an intriguing storyline, powerful presentation, and relentless…

The PC – What Happened?

An interesting article on GamerDad explores the reasons why PC gaming, including CRPGs, is dying and consoles are slowly taking over. Here’s a snip to get you started: But along with this migration to consoles, a lot of the games…

Sacred Review

GameAxis Online has written up a two-page review of Sacred, giving the action RPG an overall score of 7.4 Their final paragraph: In all, Sacred comes across as a well-honed attempt to produce a polished RPG experience but it is…

Guild Wars Previews

Two more previews of ArenaNet’s Guild Wars have surfaced on the internet. The first is at LoadedInc, which is based on what was seen at E3: If you’ve played the game or seen the shots then you’ll know that graphically…

Warlords Battlecry III Review

GameSpy has posted a review of Warlords Battlecry III, giving Infinite Interactive’s an overall score of 3 Their conclusion: There’s a lot of quality content in Warlords Battlecry III from the massive campaign, customizable skirmish battles, a random map generator,…