Gaming News

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has been updated with the following: Check out another cool NWN persistent world, Glorwing, known as a great place to get your big toe wet because of its engaging quests and interesting characters. Explore a new Jade…

The Fall – Last Days of Gaia Diary #4

RPGVault continues their designer diaries for Silver Style’s upcoming post-apocalyptic RPG, The Fall – Last Days of Gaia, with the fourth installment discussing how the team came up with the game’s overall look and feel. Check it out: In the…

Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs Website Launch

Mythic has launched a new website for their upcoming Catacombs expansion for Dark Age of Camelot, which offers details about the graphics overhaul and four new wallpapers. Just in case you’re not familiar with the expansion, here’s a quip about…

Interplay’s Current Situation Q&A

Gaming Age has conducted a brief interview with Interplay’s Damon Vergilio, asking the public relations representative several questions about the company’s current financial situation. An excerpt to follow: Q: Interplay is home to some of gaming’s most beloved franchises. Considering…

Warren Spector Video Interview

UGO is offering a video interview with Warren Spector, Ion Storm’s studio director who brought us the Deus Ex and Thief series. The whole interview is a little over a minute long, which you can find here.

Middle-Earth Online Screenshots

WorthPlaying has gotten their hands on another three screenshots from Turbine’s upcoming Tolkien-based MMORPG, Middle-Earth Online.

Warlords Battlecry III Reviews

Another pair of reviews for Infinite Interactive’s third Warlords Battlecry title have surfaced. The first is at Games Domain with an overall score of 8/10: f you’re a longtime Battlecry player hoping for a revolutionary improvement, Warlords Battlecry 3 will…

Fallout Developer Profile – J.E. Sawyer

No Mutants Allowed has begun a new feature in which they’re interviewing several of the original Fallout developers. The first installment offers some feedback from Josh Eric Sawyer, who worked on Fallout 3 until it was cancelled. An excerpt: Q:…

City of Heroes Reviews

The buzz for Cryptic Studios’ City of Heroes continues, with three more reviews making their way to the web. The first is at 1Up with an overall score of 8/10: Solo players will quit after about 10 hours, since by…