Gaming News

Darkfall Online July Updates

Razorwax’s official Darkfall Online website has been updated with several new features for July, including a developer Q&A, new monsters, a new forum, and more. Here’s a full rip from their news: 1. Darkfall status and development updateThe Darkfall team…

Tabula Rasa Q&A

FileFront has conducted an interview with Paul Sage, asking the lead designer several questions about the upcoming MMORPG, Tabula Rasa. Check it out: Q: How is the experience of Tabula Rasa going to relate to other MMORPGs such as Everquest…

City of Heroes Review

Time Warner Central has posted a glowing review of City of Heroes, giving the superhero MMORPG an overall score of 8.9 Here’s a bit of what they had to say: Compared to most MMOPRGs, City of Heroes is a godsend.…

Sudeki Goes Gold

Straight from my inbox: Get Ready to Summon Your Spirit Strike — Sudeki Goes Gold Microsoft Game Studios today announced that Sudeki, the exclusive Xbox® roleplaying game (RPG), has gone gold and is scheduled to ship to stores on July…

Vivendi: Class of 2004

UGO has launched a “Vivendi: Class of 2004” feature in which they detail several titles the company will be publishing this year, including InXile’s The Bard’s Tale. Here’s a taste: While the humor really helps the story move along, the…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Preview

WorthPlaying has whipped up a short one-page preview of Sigil Games’ upcoming MMORPG, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. A snippet, as usual: Keith Parkinson, the renowned fantasy illustrator most known for his EverQuest covers, is onboard as the art director for…

R.A. Salvatore Talks Books and EverQuest

GameZone Online has conducted an interview with R.A. Salvatore, the author of many Dungeons & Dragons novels, about his proposed series of books in the EverQuest land of Norrath. An excerpt to follow: Q: Why do you think the world…

Another Fallout 3 Announcement Interview

Telefragged is next in line with an interview concerning Bethesda’s recent announcement to develop and publish Fallout 3. There really isn’t anything new here, but it’s worth a look regardless: Q: While you haven’t announced any specific console platforms that…

Star Wars: KotOR II Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Obsidian’s Chris Parker and Chris Avellone, as well as LucasArts’ Mike Gallo, in which they quiz the developers about the upcoming Star Wars: KotOR sequel. Check it out: Q: What can you tell…