Gaming News

World of Warcraft Forum Q&A

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with news of another Q&A about various topics in the game’s forums. A snippet: Q: Does Blizzard have a team for designing world events, role-playing content, etc.? A: We do…

Fighting the MMOG Burnout

WorthPlaying has written up another massively multiplayer article, this time discussing such games can make a person feel “burned out” after a period of time. A snip, as usual: Oddly enough, the game that comes the closest to solving some…

Fallout Developer Profile – Ferret Baudoin

No Mutants Allowed has dished up another Fallout Developer Profile, this time featuring Ferret Baudoin, who worked as a designer on Fallout 3. Check it out: Q: Who would you bring with you in a future Fallout team and why?…

Dungeons & Dragons 30th Anniversary, Day One

GameSpy has begun unleashing a huge set of features to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons, with today’s set of features including The History of Dungeons & Dragons Part 1, The History of D&D Videogames Part 1, An…

Warlords Battlecry III Review

Gaming Illustrated has whipped up a review of Warlords Battlecry III, giving Infinite Interactive’s RTS/RPG hybrid an overall score of 80%. Their final thoughts: We like this game! Notwithstanding that we had to penalize the game for the disappointing graphics,…

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Preview

Warcry has put together a short preview of Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, based upon a recent visit to the Electronic Arts campus in Redwood Shores City. A snippet: Overall this game has great potential. The graphics and…

Beyond Divinity Review

Ferrago has posted a review of Beyond Divinity, giving the CRPG an overall score of 68%. An excerpt to follow: The actual adventuring itself is a mixed bag. The overarching story is mildly entertaining but it’s unlikely to enter your…

LucasArts Internal Memo Surfaces

According to an internal memo sent out by LucasArts’ Jim Ward, employees will not be receiving their yearly bonus due to the company’s financial situation. Here’s the entire memo, thanks to Folks, As you know, we have just completed…