Gaming News

Guild Wars Screenshot

ArenaNet has dished up yet another screenshot from their upcoming MMORPG, Guild Wars. This time, the screenshot depicts a furious combat scene where “archer and warrior allies attempt to hold off the masses in order to give the monk time…

Dragon Empires Cancelled

Codemasters’ official Dragon Empires website has been updated with the news that the company has decided to cancel the MMORPG due to technical issues. Here’s a full snip of the bad news: Dragon Empires development ceased due to technical issues…

Elder Scrolls Website Happenings

Bethesda’s official Elder Scrolls website has been updated with a splash screen that is counting the days down to… something. An Elder Scrolls IV announcement, perhaps? When quizzed, Bethesda’s Pete Hines even dropped us this small explanation: …in response to…

Gary Gygax and Alchemic Dream Team Up

Interesting news, read on: Montreal- September 2th, 2004- Leader MMOG services provider Alchemic Dream Inc. and Gary Gygax, famous father of the Pen & Paper Role playing Game genre with games like Dungeons and Dragons or Lejendary Adventure, team up…

World of Warcraft Stress Test Competition

Blizzard has announced that they are holding a competition in which the six highest level characters (three Horde, three Alliance) in the stress test beta will be able to continue playing in the closed beta. The full rules can be…

World of Warcraft Stress Test Beta Starts Today

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with news that the game’s stress test beta will start at noon today (Pacific time). Here’s the full news item: The World of Warcraft stress test beta will start in…

Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs Q&A has conducted an interview with Mythic’s Matt Firor, asking the executive producer a handful of questions about Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs, Imperator Online, and more. A little something to start you off: Q: I hesitate to ask this…

Dragonshard Interview has published an interview with Liquid Entertainment’s Ed Del Castillo, asking the developer several questions about their upcoming D&D RTS/RPG hybrid, Dragonshard. A snippet to follow: Q: You mentioned the underground there – we’ve heard DragonShard will feature two…

Ultima Online: Samurai Empire Q&A

GameSpot has conducted an interview with EA’s Jessica Lewis, asking the Ultima Online: Samurai Empire associate producer and team lead two pages of questions about the much anticipated expansion. Check it out: Q: In addition to the expansion pack’s various…