Gaming News

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Goes Co-Op

IGN Xbox is reporting that Electronic Arts has announced that their turn-based RPG Lord of the Rings: The Third Age will allow for cooperative play. Good news! Here’s how it will work: To keep the feature in line with the…

Richard Garriot on Creating Games, Part One

GameZone Online has published a multi-part article that offers commentary from Richard “Lord British” Garriot about creating the Ultima series and role-playing games as a whole. Here’s a nice excerpt from the first installment: (It’s two parts one of which…

EverQuest II Preview

MyGamer has put together a preview of EverQuest II, the upcoming MMORPG sequel from Sony that recently entered beta testing. Here’s a snip: As fantastic as the new variety in characters is shaping up to be; what’s probably the most…

City of Heroes Review

The Armchair Empire has tossed up a review of City of Heroes, giving the superhero MMORPG an overall score of 8.9 Their final paragraph: I’m far from finished with City of Heroes — I’m still having fun even after so…

Jade Empire: Labor of Love, Part One

A new multi-part interview on IGN Xbox brings us an inside look at the design of Jade Empire from several members of the game’s development team. This first installment offers commentary from lead designer Kevin Martens, art director Matt Goldman,…

Large Batch of X-Men Legends Reviews

Whew! This weekend brought us a host of new reviews for X-Men Legends, all of which are on the positive side. The first is over at GameSpy with an overall score of 4.5/5: If you’re in any way a fan…

World of Warcraft: Trade Skills & Professions

GameSpy has put together a two-page article that details the recent trade skill changes that Blizzard has made to World of Warcraft. There are a few other topics of interest in the article as well, but the controversial change is…

EverQuest: Omens of War Review

GameZilla has conjured up a review of EverQuest: Omens of War, giving the EverQuest expansion a “Fans Only” rating. Here’s why: How will EverQuest: Omens of War hold up in the long run? As it is with any major MMORPG…

Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion Report #1

RPGVault is offering up their first development report for the recently announced Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion expansion pack, written by Wolfpack’s Sean Dahlberg. Check it out: Throne of Oblivion introduces many new character options, as well as a wealth of…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #16

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about their upcoming Guild Wars, and this time the interview is over at Legendary Wars. A snip: Q: What made you decide on only having one melee profession for the initial release?…