Gaming News

EverQuest: Omens of War Review

Warcry has posted a review of EverQuest: Omens of War, giving the expansion pack an overall score of 8.8 Their final paragraph to follow: What you pull from Omens of War will be largely dependent on where you are in…

The Fall Voice Recordings Complete

The full press release to follow: THE FALL: Voice Recordings Break New Ground in Germany Silver Style Entertainment today finished the voice recordings for their post-apocalyptic role-playing game “The Fall Last Days of Gaia”. With 84 actors managing 380 parts…

Dungeon Siege II Interview

RPGDot has conducted an interview with Gas Powered Games’ Kevin Lambert, in which the lead designer answers a large batch of questions about Dungeon Siege II. Here’s a little something to get you started: Q: We have heard from our…

A Couple More Fable Reviews

It seems as though Fable is impressing everyone, with two more extremely positive reviews for the Xbox RPG surfacing today. The first is at Da GameBoyz with an overall score of 9.4/10: Fable is a game that demands to be…

Guild Wars Gameplay Movie

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with a new gameplay movie that takes a look at many of the game’s environments, monsters, and characters, as well as several scenes of intense combat.

Middle-Earth Online Site Update

Turbine’s official Middle-Earth Online website has been updated with a new developer diary from senior producer Mike Wallis in which he discusses his job duties and what the team is currently working on. Check it out: While we have several…

X-Men Legends Review

Into Liquid Sky has posted a glowing review of X-Men Legends, giving the action RPG an overall score of “A-“. Their conclusion to follow: Not since the arcade X-Men multiplayer beat ’em up has there been a game worthy of…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Producer Letter

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a letter from executive producer Judith Hoffman in which she discusses the day-to-day tasks involved in creating the MMORPG. Here’s a snip to get you started: Let’s look at…