Gaming News

Champions: Return to Arms Interview

Snowblind’s Champions: Return to Arms draws nearer to completion, so we felt it was once again time to track down the development team for an updated interview about the action RPG sequel. Answering our questions this time around is producer…

Star Wars: KotOR II Planet Preview

IGN Xbox has published a quick preview of Korriban, one of the many planets we’ll be visiting in Obsidian’s Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords. A snippet, as usual: Korriban is a graveyard world that has died twice —…

Fable Review

GamerDad has posted a review of Fable, giving the Xbox RPG an overall score of 4 Their conclusion: Fable has many other small side quests to do as well. Finding the big, hidden treasure, unlocking all the demon doors or…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Preview

GameSpy has put together a two-page preview of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, based upon what they saw of the action RPG sequel at the World Cyber Games press event. An excerpt to follow: In terms of living targets…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #18

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about their upcoming Guild Wars, and this time the interview is over at Check it out: Q: Obviously Guild Wars is focused heavily in the PvP area. Will you be adding…

GB Feature: Champions: Return to Arms Interview

Champions: Return to Arms draws nearer to completion, so we felt it was once again time to track down the development team for an updated interview about the action RPG sequel. Answering our questions this time around is producer Clint…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time adding the Elven town of Aman’Lu to their map section. A snippet from the town’s description: Aman’Lu is home to the Elves, to…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about Catacombs’ release date, scam emails, and more. And I quote: Q: I was wondering when Catacombs would be…

Large Batch of X-Men Legends Reviews

A whole batch of positive reviews for Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends have surfaced on the internet. The first is at The Adrenaline Vault with an overall score of 4/5: All grievances aside, X-Men Legends is still a breezy action…

Irrational’s BioShock Revealed

As we already reported a couple of days ago, GameSpot’s “retrospective” System Shock 2 article was in preparation of Irrational’s newest title, which tonight we learn is called BioShock. According to GameSpot’s two-page spread, the game is a “spiritual successor”…