Gaming News

Troika’s Unannounced Post-Apocalyptic RPG Interview

Although Troika is still putting the finishing touches on Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, they’ve also been working on another role-playing game that we’ve heard very little about up to this point.  The unannounced project will take place in a…

Lineage II Interview

FileFront has conducted an interview with Aaron Rigby, the North American producer for Lineage II, in which they discuss several different aspects of the MMORPG. A snip: Q: Lineage II is a prequel, rather than a sequel, to Lineage. In…

EverQuest II Beta Account Giveaway

Warcry has announced a new contest called “Crazy Go Nuts Beta Giveaway” in which they will be giving away thirty EverQuest II beta accounts over the next few weeks. The contest does require some creativity on the entrant’s part, as…

Upcoming Richard A. Knaak Interview

The guys from BlizzPlanet let us know that they will be doing a live interview with Richard A. Knaak, author of many Dungeons & Dragons and Warcraft novels, next Saturday. Here are the full details, straight from my inbox: The…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time offering some background history and screenshots of the SoroSuub Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 veteran reward. A quick snip from the ship’s history: The Lady…

Peter Molyneux Explains Fable Apology

BBC News has kicked up an article that offers an explanation to Peter Molyneux’s recent apologetic post on the official Fable forums. A snip of what to expect: The role-playing Fable marked a bit of a departure for him. The…

World of Warcraft Stormwind MP3

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a new MP3 for Stormwind, the major Human city in the Eastern Kingdoms.

Dark Age of Camelot & Expansions Review

IC-Games has tossed up a glowing review of Dark Age of Camelot and its two commercial expansions, Shrouded Isles & Trials of Atlantis, giving the whole package an overall score of 95%. Here’s what they had to say in their…

Dungeon Siege II’s Vai’kesh Forest

IGN PC has posted a one-page preview of the Vai’kesh Forest, one of the many locations we’ll be adventuring through in Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege sequel. An excerpt to follow: It all comes down to an ancient relic from…