Gaming News

Wish Screenshots

Mutable Realms’ official Wish website has been updated with four brand new screenshots of dwarven underground buildings.

World of Warcraft Patch Released

Blizzard has released a new closed beta patch for World of Warcraft, which includes the introduction of item durability, raid group modifications, and more. The full patch notes to follow: DurabilityItem durability is now in the game. Item durability is…

GB Feature: Fable Walkthrough Begins

This evening marks the first real update to our Fable walkthrough, with several locations now containing annotated maps and details on each numbered area. More to come very soon! Updated Pages: Fable Walkthrough (includes specifics for several of the beginning…

Two More Fable Reviews

A couple more reviews of Fable trickled in this evening, both of which are fairly positive. The first is at Bona Fide Reviews with an Editor’s Choice Award: Fable hit the bulls eye in the gameplay test but only if…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Dev Diary

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a new developer diary, this time written by designer Jason Booth. Here’s a sizeable portion to get you started: One of the first things I created for Dungeons &…

Ultima Online: Samurai Empire Site Launch

Electronic Arts has launched an official website for the upcoming Ultima Online: Samurai Empire expansion pack, complete with screenshots, videos, and more for your viewing pleasure.

X-Men Legends Reviews

The positive reviews for Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends continue, with another handful showing up over the past few days. The first is at ConsoleGold with an overall score of 81%: All in all Raven Software should be applauded for…

Dark Age of Camelot “Bring a Friend” Program

Mythic has announced a new “Bring a Friend” program for Dark Age of Camelot that allows subscribers to earn free game time by referring friends. Here’s a quick snip from the Q&A about it: I want to earn free months…

Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion Preview has put together a detailed preview of Throne of Oblivion, Ubisoft and Wolfpack’s upcoming expansion for Shadowbane. Check it out: The power of the Void infuses the dead flesh of all Vampires, making them uncannily quick, brutally strong, and…

The Witcher Screenshot

CD Projekt’s official website for The Witcher has been updated with a new screenshot showing an underground canal in the city of New Wyzime.