Gaming News

Fable Becomes Europe’s Fastest Selling Xbox Title

Straight from my inbox: IT’S NO FAIRY TALE (FABLE) FROM MICROSOFT GAME STUDIOS BECOMES FASTEST-SELLING XBOX TITLE IN EUROPE LONDON, 14TH October 2004 Thousands of European gamers have embraced the ground-breaking Xbox® role-playing adventure game (Fable), making it the fastest-selling…

Ultima Online: Samurai Empire Goes Gold

The full press release: ULTIMA ONLINE: SAMURAI EMPIRE HAS GONE GOLD Fans Who Pre-Order Game Offered Incentive Electronic Arts announced that Ultima Online: Samurai Empire went gold today. The highly-anticipated expansion pack for Ultima Online is on schedule to release…

Wish Screenshots

Mutable Realms’ official Wish website has been updated with four new screenshots depicting their “reworked” Lamia Lair. According to MR, the area now offers much improved lighting and detail.

EverQuest II Previews

A pair of EverQuest II previews have surfaced on the internet, both of which are based upon the ongoing beta test. The first is at FiringSquad: The game system has undergone a significant overhaul. In the previous game, classes were…

Jade Empire Preview

Eurogamer has written up a preview of Jade Empire, in which they include quite a bit of commentary about the game from BioWare joint-CEO Ray Muzyka. An excerpt to follow: “Every character can learn all of the 30 fighting styles…

The Undead of Guild Wars

A new feature on IGN PC reveals information and artwork for several undead creatures that players will face in ArenaNet’s Guild Wars. Check it out: The undead are extremists; they are either very intelligent or completely mindless. Because of this…

EverQuest II Community Tools Detailed

IGN PC provides us with a quick synopsis of the community tools that will be available to EverQuest II players. Take a look: Along with the guild pages, all players will be able to visit the hub for info on…

Wish Developer Journal #6

RPGVault has released the sixth installment to their ongoing developer journal for Mutable Realms’ UMMORPG, Wish. This time, the article focuses on how writer Michael K. Donovan’s contributions has helped move the game along. Check it out: History played an…

Dark Age of Camelot Master Level Documentation

Mythic has released detailed information about all of the master levels in Dark Age of Camelot, as well as the abilities they grant access to. Here’s a little something about the Spymaster: The Spymaster emulates the great Atlantean spy lords.…