Gaming News

Asheron’s Call Developer Bio

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call website has been updated with a new developer bio, this time for lead artist “Shuggypud”. Here’s a bit of what the guy does: I create the art. The Designers create content and give it a description,…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview has conducted a very brief interview with Sigil Games’ Nick Parkinson, in which the web content developer a few questions about his MMORPG gaming habits. An excerpt: Q: Tell us what MOGs have you played in the past? A:…

World of Warcraft Comparative Preview

FileFront has released another preview of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, this time comparing several aspects of the game to EverQuest. Here’s a quick snip about the graphics: The graphics in World of Warcraft are amazingly vibrant and colorful. Characters have…

Jade Empire: All We Know, Part Two

GameSpy has continued their Jade Empire: All We Know feature by releasing pages four through nine. Here’s a snip of what’s new to the article: The final style that can be used in combat is magic, and you’ve got two…

The History and Future of Brad McQuaid has published an article that profiles Brad McQuaid, detailing his involvement with EverQuest, the decision to open his own game studio, and the creation of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. The word sigil was taken from the name of a…

Imperator Online Preview

The guys at GameSpy have put together a three-page preview of Mythic’s Imperator Online, based upon what is known about the MMORPG up to this point. Check it out: There will be a fighter type, which will encompass various roles:…

X-Men Legends Sequel Announced

Straight from my inbox: ACTIVISION’S RAVEN SOFTWARE IN DEVELOPMENT ON X-MEN LEGENDS SEQUEL Santa Monica, CA October 21, 2004 Based on strong consumer response to its action role playing game X-Men Legends, Activision, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATVI) announced today that the…

Inon Zur Audio Interview

X-Treme Gaming Radio has conducted an audio interview with Inon Zur, the composer responsible for the music in many RPGs, including Champions: Return to Arms. Here are the full details: In the interview, Zur talks about is work on how…

The Witcher Week Begins

CD Projekt has begun a new feature called the “Witcher Week”, in which they will be releasing all new materials for the RPG over the course of the next seven days. Here’s the announcement: The Witcher Week at Authors…

X-Men Legends Reviews

Another large batch of reviews have surfaced for X-Men Legends, all of which are on the positive side. The first can be found at Xequted with an overall score of 46/50: As it is, X-Men Legends is a great deal…