Gaming News

Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed Preview

GameRifts has written up a preview of Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed, based upon some firsthand time with the expansion’s beta test. Here’s a snip about combat: Of course, putting everything else aside, jumping into your X-Wing or TIE…

The Witcher Peek #5

RPGVault brings us the fifth installment to their “peek” feature for The Witcher, this time releasing details about the deadly witcher transformation process. Check it out: But the Changes are much worse, as they are the ones that really decide…

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age – Forces of Good

IGN PS2’s latest Lord of the Rings: The Third Age coverage includes an in-depth look at the various heroes of Middle-Earth. In it, you’ll find descriptions of some of the major players and new movies to show them in all…

The Bard’s Tale Review

Yahoo Games Domain is the second website to post a review of The Bard’s Tale, giving the action RPG an overall score of 7/10: Compared to other action RPGs of this type, the equipment selection and system also seems very…

Troika Games Website Renovation

The guys at Troika Games have renovated their official website, with their main page receiving more Vampire: Bloodlines treatment.

Guild Wars Character Profile: The Mesmer

GameSpot brings us another character profile for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time focusing on the game’s Mesmer profession. An excerpt: Like other characters, mesmers possess signets–special skills that cost no energy to cast, but have a long recharge time. But…

Star Wars Galaxies Developer Diary Continued

The developer diary on Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website continues, with senior producer Gary Gattis talking about last weekend’s events. It looks like he’s providing some details about this week as well, so I’m not sure when it might…

BioWare Launches Online Store

Straight from my inbox: BioWare launches online store Game developer to offer premium game content for sale over Internet EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada, October 26, 2004 BioWare Corp. today announced the launch of the BioWare Online Store, an internet-based marketplace located…

World of Warcraft Preview

IGN PC has put together an updated preview of World of Warcraft, based upon their most recent adventures in the game’s beta test. Check it out: Content-wise, there are very few glitches or known exploits. There’s the constant class balancing,…

Vampire: Bloodlines Preview

GamePro has whipped up a quick preview of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Troika’s upcoming CRPG set in White Wolf’s World of Darkness. A snip: Another check for wanton acts of evil is your “Humanity” stat, which goes down when…