Gaming News

Metalheart: Replicants Rampage Demo Refuted

Akella’s official website has been updated with an announcement that the Metalheart: Replicants Rampage demo we reported about a few days ago was actually an illegal distribution of an old build. Here’s the full announcement: Official Refutation!!! As we have…

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Preview

ActionTrip has put together a two-page preview of Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, just before the RPG hits store shelves. Here’s a bit of what to expect: The in-movie sequences called Story Cards are mostly eye-candy, but also…

Vampire: Bloodlines Q&A

FileFront has published a two-page interview with Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky, in which the developer answers quite a few questions about Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. Here’s a snip: Q: What are some of the more classic elements of RPG that…

Cindy Bowens Interview

Playgrrl has conducted an interview with Sigil Games’ Cindy Bowens, in which the community relations manager answers questions about her position in the gaming industry. An excerpt: Her job now with Sigil provides her an opportunity to really be involved…

Everquest II Preview, Part Two

Gamehelper has posted up the second installment to their EverQuest II preview, which goes something like this: It wouldn’t be much of an adventure without creatures to club or villains to vanquish. Luckily the land of EQ2 is teaming with…

Turbine Entertainment Retrospective Interview

Warcry was able to track down several members of Turbine Entertainment for a retrospective interview about the company’s beginnings. There doesn’t seem to be any mention of newer games like Dungeons & Dragons Online or Middle-Earth Online, but they do…

Wish Preview

Access Gamer has put together a three-page preview of Wish, the upcoming UMMORPG from Mutable Realms. Check it out: It is standard practice in the online role-playing genre for a game to have continually changing content, but Wish takes this…

EverQuest II Screenshots #5

RPGVault brings us the fifth installment to their EverQuest II media feature, this time providing another eight high resolution screenshots from the MMORPG sequel.

Star Wars: KotOR II First View

RPGVault has put together a very short “first view” of Star Wars: KotOR II, in which they provide a few paragraphs of what to expect from the RPG sequel. An excerpt: The Sith Lords is re-using parts of the engine…