Gaming News

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about finding armor & weapons, appealing stupid character names, parrying, and more. A snippet: Q: Do new quests get…

Fable Reviews

Another trio of reviews for Fable hit the web over the past couple of days, all of which are on the positive side. The first is over at Fragland with an overall score of 85.7%: The most impressive part of…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Q&A #1

RPGVault has posted a two-question interview with several members of the Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich development team. One of the questions deals with the team’s favorite superheroes and the other focuses on villains: Q: What new enemies in…

Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny November Letter

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny website has been updated with a letter from the team for the month of November, bringing us up to speed on how the expansion is coming along. Here’s a bit about the game’s…

World of Warcraft Preview

With Blizzard’s World of Warcraft slated for release later this month, Yahoo Games Domain has released an updated preview of the MMORPG. Check it out: Aside from paladins, hunters are the only class without “talents” yet. These are an additional…

Guild Wars Preview

My Guy Games has put together a preview of Guild Wars, based on the recent World Preview Event. Here’s a little something about PvP and travel: With a name like Guild Wars, one would expect that a large focus would…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Interview

ActionTrip has published a brief interview with Obsidian’s Ferret Baudoin, in which the lead designer offers some insight about how Neverwinter Nights 2 is shaping up so far. An excerpt: Q: What in your opinion are the advantages and the…

Dungeons & Desktops

The folks over at Armchair Arcade have written up an article entitled “Dungeons & Desktops”, in which they provide a history of RPGs over the past 20+ years. Several major titles are mentioned, including the Ultima series, the Might &…

Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny Dev Bio

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny website has been updated with a new dev bio, this time for co-executive producer Steven Kaminsky. A snip: What do you actually do? As you probably know, Producers wear a mess of different…

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with another wallpaper for your computer desktop. This time, the wallpaper depicts the Bone Dragon.