Gaming News

Vampire: Bloodlines Near Final Impressions

GameSpot is offering up a two-page preview of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, based on a “near final” build of the CRPG. Check it out: Your first quest in the game is one that Troika demonstrated to us earlier this…

World of Warcraft Trailer Released

Blizzard has released the opening cinematic for World of Warcraft, offering “titanic conflicts erupt once again as the races of Azeroth clash across epic, fantasy landscapes.”

City of Heroes Q&A, Part One

Warcry has conducted an interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the lead designer talks about the upcoming issue #3 and his vision for the future of City of Heroes. Here’s a taste: “Epic” power pools were mentioned in…

Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed Review

IGN PC has whipped up a review of Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed, giving the MMORPG expansion an overall score of 7.9 Their closing comments: Well, the action parts are fine but the repetitive content and slow skill progression…

World of Warcraft Preview

GameSpot has written up their final preview for World of Warcraft, now that the game’s closed beta test has ended. An excerpt: Blizzard has continued to add little touches to the game’s presentation that have subtly enhanced the look and…

EverQuest II Ships to North American Retail Stores

The full press release: EVERQUEST® II SHIPS TO NORTH AMERICAN RETAIL STORES -A New Adventure Begins With More Than 100,000 Players Expected In-Game by the Weekend- SAN DIEGO, CA November 8, 2004 Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a worldwide leader…

FF vs. the Third Reich Pre-Order Bonus

Irrational Games’ official website has been updated with an announcement that pre-ordering Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich will get you some exclusive bonus content. Here are the details: In the very near future Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich…

X-Men Legends Interview

With X-Men Legends receiving a positive response from action RPG and comic book fans alike, we decided to fire some post-release questions to Activision producer Blaine Christine to find out more about the game’s development and what’s in store for…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, this time adding five new screenshots and a unique weapon to the armory. Here are a few details about the Grimsteel Reaver: The Grimsteel Reaver…