Gaming News

World of Warcraft Open Beta Impressions

The guys at Groovalicious Games have fired up some impressions of the World of Warcraft open beta test. Here’s a taste: The one thing that World of Warcraft definitely gets right, and this has been a hallmark of all Blizzard…

Just Married!

After a few months of extensive planning and preparation, I officially became a married man this past Saturday. The festivities lasted all weekend long and, luckily, everything went without a hitch. So, now that one of the busiest times of…

Mythic Entertainment Visit Report

The guys at RPGVault had the opportunity to visit Mythic Entertainment’s headquarters and have written up a two-page report of the progress being made on both Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs and Imperator Online. Here’s a bit about Catacombs: The…

Comics & Video Games, Part Four

Yahoo Games Domain has released the fourth and final installment of their comic book/video game feature, this time speculating as to which games should be made into comic books and providing a glimpse of what comic book related video games…

The Bard’s Tale Reviews

Four more reviews for inXile’s The Bard’s Tale have surfaced on the web over the past few days. The first is over at MyGamer with an overall score of 8/10: There are a few small glitches in the game, like…

Vampire: Bloodlines Screenshots

With the release of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines imminent, GenGamers brings us a half dozen new screenshots from the CRPG.

Tabula Rasa Interview

The guys at GameRifts have published an interview with NCsoft’s Starr Long, in which the Tabula Rasa producer answers several questions about the upcoming sci-fi MMORPG. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: Making a very broad generalization, there…

Asheron’s Call 2: Legions Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Turbine’s Eric Heimburg, in which the Asheron’s Call 2: Legions producer and lead engineer answers questions about the upcoming MMORPG expansion. Check it out: Q: What new locations and settings will Legions have?…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald. This week, she addresses questions about shield block sound effects, a bug while porting, Catacombs going gold, and more. Here’s a snip: Q: I…

World of Warcraft Preview

Gamers With Jobs have put together a preview of World of Warcraft, sharing some details about instancing and dungeon exploration in the game. Check it out: Blizzard did a smart thing with their instanced dungeons, eliminating the (wait) for boss…