Gaming News

Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed Reviews

Tonight we bring you news of two fairly positive reviews for Sony’s newly released Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed expansion. The first is at LoadedInc with an overall score of 7/10: All things considered, JLS is a good expansion.…

EverQuest II Early Impressions

IGN PC has posted a two-page preview of EverQuest II, in which they provide some early impressions of the retail version of the MMORPG. A snip: Unfortunately it’s almost impossible for you to strike out into the wild until you’ve…

World of Warcraft Thunderbluff MP3

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a new MP3 for Thunderbluff, the Tauren capitol in Kalimdor.

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Interview

GameZone has conducted an interview with Electronic Arts’ Steve Gray, in which they discuss the newly released console RPG, Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: Can you go over the various…

Cryptic Responds to Marvel Lawsuit

Cryptic Studios has responded to Marvel’s lawsuit against them by providing a very brief press release on their official website. Here’s the full release: Marvel sues Cryptic Studios and NCsoft. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BY CRYPTIC STUDIOS, INC. As reported by…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time focusing on many of the ship customizations that are possible in the Jump to Lightspeed expansion.

Leonard Boyarsky Profile

German site GameVision has posted a profile of Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky, in which the developer reveals a little history about himself and his opinions of the industry. A snippet: Q: Your three all-time favourite games? A: Fallout (why can’t that…

Vampire: Bloodlines Screenshots

WorthPlaying is offering up a large number of screenshots from Activision and Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.

Guild Wars Combat Editorial

GameZone Online has published an editorial that focuses on the combat in Guild Wars, offering some advantages and disadvantages of the current system ArenaNet has in place. Check it out: The aspects of Guild Wars that are both intriguing and…