Gaming News

How ‘Dungeons’ Changed the World

The Boston Globe has published an editorial called “How ‘Dungeons’ Changed the World”, in which they discuss the influence that Dungeons & Dragons has had since its inception. Here’s a snip: Dungeons and Dragons was a not a way out…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview

FileFront has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, in which the president and lead designer talks a bit about Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Check it out: Q: What are some of the new features that the…

Vampire: Bloodlines Reviews

The first two reviews for Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines are in, and they’re both very positive. The first is at ConsoleGold with an overall score of 94%: The World of Darkness, White Wolf, the Source engine, and Troika’s…

Fable Review

Xbox Exclusive has written up a glowing review of Fable, giving the Xbox RPG an overall score of 9.5 Their final paragraph: This is truly one amazing game. Xbox finally has a super RPG. There is so much detail, so…

X-Men Legends Reviews

Four enthusiastic reviews for Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends have shown up on the web over the past few days. The first is over at RPGFan with an overall score of 81%: Overall, X-Men Legends is a good game with…

EverQuest II Review

Yahoo Games Domain has posted a review of EverQuest II, giving the MMORPG sequel an overall score of 8 Their conclusion to follow: Sony Online has hit the ground running with EverQuest II. It’s more newbie-friendly at the outset, and…

SWG: Jump to Lightspeed Team Q&A #1

RPGVault has kicked off another team Q&A, this time with several members of the Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed development team. Only one question this time around: Q: Among the selection of spacecraft that shipped with Jump to Lightspeed,…

City of Heroes Q&A has conducted an interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the lead designer answers quite a few questions about City of Heroes. Check it out: The whole superhero thing really seems to have tapped into a rich vein…

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone Review

Although the review text is identical to the PS2 version, GameSpot has given Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone a slightly lower score on the Xbox. This time around, they give the game a 7.6/10 (rather than a 7.9), but retain all…

Guild Wars Screenshots #3

The guys at RPGVault have tossed up another batch of screenshots for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time showing off four of the game’s professions.