Gaming News

Writing Fable, Part Two

The guys at Grand Text Auto have released a second article about the writing in Fable, this time focusing on the world itself and the NPCs that inhabit it. Here’s a taste: Now, finally, to what may be the most…

Dragonshard Designer Diary #1

GameSpot is offering up the first installment to a new designer diary series for Liquid Entertainment’s upcoming D&D RTS, Dragonshard. In it, president/creative director Ed Del Castillo provides some good info about the surface and underground levels in the game.…

Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker Review

The Ladies of Neverwinter have posted a review of Kingmaker, one of three premium Neverwinter Nights modules now for sale on BioWare’s online store. There is no overall score, but check out their summary: Kingmaker is both interesting and compelling,…

Wish Developer Journal #7

RPGVault has released the seventh installment to their ongoing developer journal for Mutable Realms’ UMMORPG, Wish. This time, the article focuses on how sound designer Michael Kimball has created ghoul vocals and rot worm lord footsteps for the game (among…

Vampire: Bloodlines Review

UGO has tossed up a review of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, giving the CRPG an overall score of “A-“. Their final paragraph to follow: Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is the culmination of next-generation, first-person action game technology coupled…

City of Heroes Issue 3 Archetype Feature

The official City of Heroes website has been updated with a feature that details two high level archetypes that will hit the game in Issue 3: A Council of War. An excerpt to follow: Kheldians can solo, but those who…

Star Wars: KotOR II Preview has put together a preview of Star Wars: KotOR II, apparently based upon an early copy of the game. A snippet: The game opens five years after the close of KOTOR with the trusty Ebon Hawk floating aimlessly in…

EverQuest II Review

GameSpot has posted their review of EverQuest II, giving the MMORPG sequel an overall score of 7.8 Their closing paragraph: EverQuest II is clearly the product of an experienced committee of online RPG players and designers. It addresses many of…

World of Warcraft Beta Officially Over

Now that the World of Warcraft servers have been taken offline, Blizzard has updated the game’s community website with a newsbit announcing that the beta test is officially over. Here’s the full announcement: The World of Warcraft open beta test…

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with another wallpaper for your computer desktop. This time, the wallpaper depicts a creature called The Charr.