Gaming News

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes new Jade Empire screenshots and a developer interview for the Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker module. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Crack open new screens revealing…

Dark Age of Camelot: New Frontiers Review has tossed up a review of New Frontiers, giving the free RvR expansion for Dark Age of Camelot an overall score of 80 Their final paragraphs: When you consider all of the new additions – including new RvR ‘battlegrounds’…

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

With Thanksgiving festivities happening tomorrow, I thought I’d add a couple more quests to our Vampire: Bloodlines walkthrough before I leave town. Walkthrough Updates: A Bounty For the Hunter and Thinned Blood

World of Warcraft Content Extravaganza

Since GameSpy is releasing so much content for World of Warcraft, we’re just going to put it all into one newsbit. If you’re still deciding on whether or not to pick up a copy of the game, you might find…

EverQuest II Reviews

Sony’s EverQuest sequel continues to receive favorable review scores, with the latest appearing at GameSpy and Inside Gamer Online. GameSpy’s review gives the MMORPG an overall score of 4/5: EverQuest II launched in a comparatively bulletproof state, to the surprise…

Bloodlines Walkthrough Has Begun

Since our Vampire: Bloodlines walkthrough will most likely take quite awhile to finish, we figured it would be best to post it up in pieces. To start it off, we’ve released all of the main quests in Santa Monica, along…

World of Warcraft Reviews

Well, the first couple reviews for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft have been posted – and they’re both very positive. The first is over at eToyChest with an overall score of 92%: In the end, World of Warcraft is an MMO.…

Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs First View

RPGVault is offering up another “first view” article, this time for Mythic’s upcoming Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs expansion. Check it out: Catacombs’ new, far more detailed and customizable player models are immediately noticeable, as are the improved graphics in…