Gaming News

Sacred Plus Review

IC-Games has posted a review of Sacred Plus, giving the repackaged version of the action RPG an overall score of 93%. Their final thoughts: In conclusion Sacred sets out to be little more than you’re typical hack and slash feast…

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

Although I’m out of town for Thanksgiving and cannot post any screenshots to go with them, I thought I’d upload the text for a few more quests in our walkthrough. I will add the screenshots and item pics as soon…

Troika Games Company Profile

FileFront has profiled Troika Games in their latest “F! True Company Story” editorial, in which they offer commentary from one of the company’s founders, Tim Cain. Check it out: The only other thing that the company has had to deal…

Vampire: Bloodlines Review

WorthPlaying has posted a review of Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, giving the RPG an overall score of 7.7 Their conclusion: Basically, if you are approaching Bloodlines expecting a FPS with vampires in it, you won’t like the title. The…

The Attack of the MMO Collector’s Editions

IGN PC has whipped up a new article called “The Attack of the MMO Collector’s Editions”, in which they take a closer look at what’s inside both the EverQuest II and World of Warcraft special editions. Here’s a snip about…

Anarchy Online It’s Alive #1

RPGVault has begun a new series for Anarchy Online entitled “It’s Alive”, in which the development team reveals some details about running the persistent world. In the first installment, game director Morten Byom describes the processes that they go through…

Bloodlines Passwods Revealed

Our newest feature for Vampire: Bloodlines is a list of all the computer passwords and door pass codes we’ve found so far in the game. If your Hacking Feat isn’t very high, this should make a great reference for you.…

EverQuest: Omens of War Interview

FileFront has published an interview with Sony Online, in which an unnamed source answers questions about their latest EverQuest expansion pack, Omens of War. Take a look: Q: What are, in your opinion, the successful elements of Omens of War?…

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with another wallpaper for your computer desktop. This time, the wallpaper depicts the Necromancer.