Gaming News

World of Warcraft Trial Period Extension

According to a post in the official World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard will be providing a small trial period extension for those players who created accounts before or during the recent downtime the game experienced. Here’s the full announcement: Since…

EverQuest II Review brings us the latest review of EverQuest II, giving the MMORPG sequel an overall score of 8 Personal development is exactly as it should be – personal. You can fight solo, but the emphasis is on group combat for…

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

I’m back from the weekend feasting and have found enough time to write walkthroughs for a few more quests, as well as add screenshots to all of the previously imageless quests from yesterday. Walkthrough Updates: A Confession, Attention Whore, And…

The Witcher Peek #6

RPGVault brings us the sixth installment to their “peek” feature for The Witcher, this time releasing details about the game’s monster hunters and their keen eyesight. Here’s how it begins: The eyes. It is them that we trust most, but…

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

I’m still not able to post any screenshots with this walkthrough update, but I should be able to add the corresponding images to each quest sometime tomorrow. Walkthrough Updates: A Confession, Attention Whore, and And Her Name Was Venus

World of Warcraft Review

GameArena has tossed up a three-page review of World of Warcraft, giving the newly launched MMORPG a perfect score of 10 Here’s why: World of Warcraft is that special kind of game that blurs the line between genre standards you…

Guild Wars Interview

FileFront has published a two-page interview with ArenaNet’s Jeff Strain, in which the producer talks about their upcoming subscription-free MMORPG, Guild Wars. Check it out: Q: So how did you manage to pull of the no-subscription fee model? Or is…

World of Warcraft – Out of the Box

GameSpy has written up a three-page preview of World of Warcraft, now that the game has officially shipped. Here’s a little bit to get you started: Despite my high-minded intentions of “viewing the game as a whole”, I decided to…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

HC.Gamer has conducted an interview with Bethesda’s Pete Hines, in which the community rep answers several questions about the fourth installment in the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion. Here’s a taste: Q: Are there going to be any combos during combat?…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #23

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about their upcoming Guild Wars, and this time the interview is over at Guild Wars Slovenija. A snip: The official Guild Wars Game FAQ states that players will still remain competitive even…