Gaming News

Guild Wars Screenshots #5

The guys at RPGVault have tossed up another batch of screenshots for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time depicting some of the named foes in the game.

Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker Review

IGN’s Neverwinter Vault has posted a review of Kingmaker, giving the premium Neverwinter Nights module an overall score of 6.5 Their conclusion to follow: Without the hype, I would still have been this critical. My expectations would have been a…

NVidia & CD Projekt Team Up For The Witcher

CD Projekt’s official website for The Witcher has been updated with an announcement that they have teamed up with NVidia to prepare the game for playing on the company’s high-end video cards. Check it out: CD PROJEKT, producer of a…

Vampire: Bloodlines Reviews

Two more very favorable reviews have hit the web for Activision and Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. The first is at TeleFragged with an overall score of 91%: Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines comes with more than its fair…

Vampire: Bloodlines Patch in the Works

Blue’s News is reporting that two German websites (Gamesweb and PC Games Online) each have word that a patch for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines is currently being worked on. The patch will apparently address performance issues and other glitches.

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

This update includes the remaining quests that take place in the Downtown district. Hollywood will start tomorrow. Walkthrough Updates: A Plague For the Angels, Fun With Pestilence, Patron of the Ancient Arts, and The Regent’s Riddle

World of Warcraft Review

Yahoo Games Domain has tossed up a review of World of Warcraft, giving the newly launched MMORPG an overall score of 9 Their conclusion: While World of Warcraft doesn’t do anything particularly new, it comes with Blizzard’s characteristic shine. It’s…

City of Heroes Review

The folks at Futurelooks have posted a review of City of Heroes, giving the superhero MMORPG an overall score of 9 A snippet: Powers are assigned certain expansion slots (slots are gained by leveling). (Enhancements) are either earned or purchased…

Lord of the Rings: The Third Age Reviews

A handful of new reviews for EA’s Lord of the Rings: The Third Age have surfaced over the past several days. The first is over at 3DAvenue with an overall score of 87/100: Overall The Third Age is probably in…

Jade Empire First View

RPGVault has written up a short “first look” preview of BioWare’s upcoming Xbox RPG, Jade Empire. Here’s what they commend the game for: The game features an intriguing combat system with more than 30 martial arts, weapons and magic fighting…