Gaming News

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

Most of tonight’s walkthrough additions are alternate solutions for those of you playing Nosferatu characters. There’s only one unlogged quest to go, but I’m still trying to figure out all the specifics behind it before writing it. Stay tuned. Walkthrough…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Ashley Cheng, asking the senior producer quite a few questions about the fourth Elder Scrolls installment, Oblivion. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: How will the RPG aspects of the game…

Dark Age of Camelot: State of the Game

Mythic’s Mark Jacobs stopped by the Camelot Herald to post another “State of the Game” letter for Dark Age of Camelot. In it, he addresses the release of EverQuest II and World of Warcraft, then goes on to promise three…

Jade Empire Preview

GameZone is offering up a preview of Jade Empire, which includes plenty of commentary from several key BioWare developers. Check it out: When the world was realized, it rapidly became apparent that not everything designed for the game would make…

EverQuest II Reviews

Several new reviews for EverQuest II have made their way to the web, although they’re not all as positive as we’ve seen in the past. The first is over at RPGVault: With graphics that rival those of the top shooters,…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, which includes four new screenshots depicting “heroic moments”.

The Witcher Peek #8

RPGVault brings us the eighth installment to their “peek” feature for The Witcher, this time detailing the “origin of magic”. Here’s a taste: ow did it all start, you might quite wisely ask? Herbert Stammelford and Goeffrey Monck have described…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Producer Letter

Turbine’s Judith Hoffman has written December’s “producer letter” on the official Dungeons & Dragons Online website. In it, she wishes us happy holidays and thanks everyone who has supported the game. An excerpt: I’m also thankful for all of you,…

Dark Age of Camelot Roundtable Road Trip Begins

The full press release: Mythic Kicks Off Dark Age of Camelot Roundtable Road Trip Nationwide Mini-Fan Gatherings to Bring Together Fans of the Online Game FAIRFAX, VA – December 16, 2004 – Mythic Entertainment, developer and publisher of the massively-multiplayer…

Bloodlines Walkthrough Update

Tonight I bring a few quick additions and fixes to existing quests, as well as another new unlogged quest. Walkthrough Updates: Haven Posters, Hell at the Hotel Hallowbrook, Malcolm’s Affair, and Thinned Blood