Gaming News

World of Warcraft Reviews

The reviews for World of Warcraft continue to pour onto the web, with the latest three offering even more positive feedback. The first is at CV-Games with an overall score of “A+”: The Gameplay in World of WarCraft may appear…

Guild Wars Preview

FileFront is offering up a two-page preview for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, combining previous interview and preview material to provide a summary of what’s known about the game so far. An excerpt, as usual: The gameplay experience Guild Wars brings has…

Dungeon Siege II First View

RPGVault has whipped up another of their “first view” articles, this time for Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege sequel. A snip: The original had some significant strengths to build upon. Among these, the most notable may have been the fast-paced…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes new Jade Empire screenshots and a profile of the Neverwinter Nights Extender V2 program. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Three new screenshots are up…

Game Over For Titus Interactive and Interplay

Blue’s News is reporting that a court decision has forced the liquidation of Titus Interactive, thus sealing the fate of Titus subsidiary Interplay. The information seems solid and is confirmed through a press release on the Raging Bull Investor Forum.…

2005 – A Look Ahead

IGN PC is offering a four-page article entitled “2005 – A Look Ahead” that details many of the games we can expect later this year. The list includes several role-playing games, including Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Freedom Force vs. the…

The Matrix Online Site Update

Warner Bros. and Monolith’s official website for The Matrix Online has been updated with new information about Radio Free Zion, Player vs. Player Duel Tournaments, and more. A snippet: Another major source of beta player fun in The Matrix Online…

Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Several more reviews have hit the web over the past few days for LucasArts and Obsidian’s Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II. The first is over at Electric Playground with an overall score of 8.5/10: A PC version…

Vampire: Bloodlines Reviews

Activision and Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines has received two more very positive review scores. The first is over at Ace Gamez with an overall score of 9/10: Should you rush out and buy Bloodlines right away? Tough question…