Gaming News

Lionhead Community Diary #1

The Lionhead Times website has been updated with the first community diary of 2005, in which Fable, Black & White 2, and The Movies are all discussed. Here’s the snip about Fable: “What about Fable?” I hear many ask –…

The RPGs of 2005, Part Three

RPGDot is offering up the third installment to their “RPGs of 2005” feature, this time taking a look at some of the lesser known RPGs and expansions slated for release this year. Included in this new installment are profiles for…

World of Warcraft Interview

Eurogamer has conducted an interview with Blizzard’s Shane Dabiri, in which the producer talks about the success they’ve experienced with World of Warcraft. Take a look: Q: Now that the game has launched, how do you feel it compares to…

Dark Age of Camelot Population Bonus Changes

Mythic Entertainment has announced a few tweaks to the bonuses received by low population realms in Dark Age of Camelot. Here is how they currently stand: – Evenly distributed and underpopulated realms will now receive bonus experience, realm points, bounty…

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with another wallpaper for your computer desktop. This time, the wallpaper depicts an armored Warrior.

KotOR II Walkthrough Update: Korriban

The second major walkthrough update of the day, this time every quest and area on Korriban have been added. Enjoy! Only two main planet areas remain, and the first part of the end game. Almost there! View the walkthrough here.

GB Feature: EverQuest II Contest

Our newest contest offers you a chance to win the Collector’s Edition of Sony’s EverQuest II, as well as three copies of the Standard Edition, t-shirts, posters, and more. Check out the full details right here.

KotOR II Walkthrough Update: Dantooine

We’ve added yet another major area of the game to our growing walkthrough, Dantooine! This leaves only three more to go: Korriban, Nar Shaddaa and Onderon (+ Dxun), and the first part of the end game. As with the last…

EverQuest II Reviews

EverQuest II continues to receive favorable reviews around the web, with two more appearing over the past couple of days. The first is at GlobeTechnology with no overall score: If you’ve got the right system and you like MMORPGs, EverQuest…

Jade Empire Screenshots

The chaps at GameSpot have scored twenty-four new screenshots from BioWare’s upcoming Xbox RPG, Jade Empire.