Gaming News

EverQuest II Reviews

Another pair of fairly positive reviews for Sony’s EverQuest sequel have been posted to the web over the past couple of days. The first is at FileFront with an overall score of 4/5: The strong point of Everquest 2 is…

Wish Beta 2.0 Impressions

HomeLan Fed has whipped up their initial impressions of the newly launched second phase of beta for Mutable Realms’ Wish. An excerpt to follow: Graphically, the game’s engine is quite solid and compares well to the current cream of the…

The Matrix Online Preview

Yahoo’s Games Domain has put together a preview of The Matrix Online, based upon firsthand time in the sci-fi MMORPG’s beta test. Here’s a bit to get you started: Character generation mirrors Neo’s “awakening” at the trilogy’s start – even…

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone Reviews

A trio of reviews for Atari and Stormfront’s Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone have been posted over the past week. The first is over at ActionTrip with an overall score of 68/100: I guess that the fans of the Forgotten Realms…

NWN: Kingmaker & Shadowguard Review

Jolt Online Gaming is offering a review comparison of both Kingmaker and Shadowguard, two of the Neverwinter Nights premium modules available on BioWare’s online store. It’s pretty clear that they liked Kingmaker better: Quality-wise, Kingmaker matches and sometimes exceeds what…

EverQuest II Adventure Packs Coming Soon

GameSpot is reporting that Sony has plans to provide “Adventure Packs” for EverQuest II that may require subscribers to dig a little deeper into their pockets. Here’s the gist of how the packs will work: The first part of the…

Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich Interview

Eurogamer has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, in which the lead designer provides some good feedback about the upcoming superhero RPG sequel, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Check it out: Q: There seems to be a…

Vampire: Bloodlines Reviews

Yet another handful of reviews for Activision and Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines have made their way to the web. The first is over at Just RPG with an overall score of 74%: The atmosphere in Bloodlines is quite…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Screenshots & Artwork

Bethesda’s official Elder Scrolls website has been updated with >a href=” “>three new screenshots and a new piece of concept art for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. The screenshots include a cool shot of a daedroth outside an elven ruin (these…

The Matrix Online Site Update

Warner Bros. and Monolith’s official website for The Matrix Online has been updated with detailed information about the Awakened discipline. Here’s the introduction: One of the great features of The Matrix Online is that players have the ability to upload…