Gaming News

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Preview

HomeLan Fed has put together a preview of Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, based upon the recent press build that has been floating around lately. Here’s a taste: …our one level demo really didn’t demonstrate anything about…

GB Feature: Vampire Bloodlines Artwork Collection

We’ve put together an extensive six-page collection of all concept artwork used in the creation of Activision and Troika’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines. The collection spans over 130 pieces of artwork and features many of the game’s important locations,…

Champions: Return to Arms Interview

IGN PS2 has conducted an interview with Snowblind Studios’ Clint Worley, in which the assistant producer answers three pages of questions about Champions: Return to Arms. One of the questions and his answer to follow: Q: All of the medal…

Warcry’s Thoughts on Wish Cancellation

The guys at Warcry have published an article entitled “Wish in One Hand” in which they offer a few possible reasons why Mutable Realms decided to shut down the MMORPG. One of the reasons to get you started: 3. Three…

Guild Wars Screenshots

In case you haven’t had a chance to see Guild Wars firsthand yet, GamersInfo is offering up a huge assortment of screenshots from the MMORPG. Find them all right here.

GameSpot’s Most Anticipated Games of 2005

GameSpot has released a list of their most anticipated games of 2005, which includes such titles as Jade Empire, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Champions: Return to Arms. A snippet about Dragon Age: Dragon Age is exciting primarily…

GameSpot’s Most Anticipated Games of 2005

GameSpot has released a list of their most anticipated games of 2005, which includes such titles as Jade Empire, Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Champions: Return to Arms. A snippet about Jade Empire: Jade Empire is the first…

Blizzard Entertainment Interview, Part One

GamesIndustry has conducted an interview with Blizzard’s Chris Metzen and Paul Sams, in which the creative director and VP of business operations discuss the company’s success over the years and their recent move into the MMORPG market. Check it out:…

DAoC: Catacombs Comes to Europe in 2005

The full press release: DARK AGE OF CAMELOT: CATACOMBS, THE NEW EXTENSION OF THE MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER GAME HITS EUROPE IN 2005 Dark Age of Camelot, Europe’s number one massively multiplayer role-playing game is about to celebrate the third anniversary of…

Guild Wars Guild Emblem Contest

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with the announcement of a new contest in which fans can submit concepts for a guild emblem that might make it in the final release of the game. The full announcement: We’re…