Gaming News

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes information about the Ogres of Jade Empire, a discount for premium NWN modules, and more. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Read about the Ogres…

Wizardry VIII Included on Magazine DVD

RPGDot is reporting that the DVD included with the latest issue of German magazine PC Games contains the full version of Wizardry VIII. A highly recommended title if you haven’t played it yet!

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Preview

Yahoo Games Domain has written up a preview of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, after playing the press copy that’s been floating around the ‘net for the past couple of weeks. Here’s a taste: The original Freedom Force was…

EverQuest II Producer Letter

Sony’s official EverQuest II website has been updated with a letter from producer Scott Hartsman, in he discusses the game’s future in considerable detail. A bit of what to expect: Since launch, we’ve added dozens of new quests and hundreds…

Baldur’s Gate Mobile Interview

Experience Gaming has conducted an interview with Sorrent’s Stephanie Morgan, in which the producer answers questions about their mobile version of Baldur’s Gate. Here’s a little something to get you started: Q: What kind of design process did you go…

Star Wars: KotOR II Preview

Boomtown has put together a preview of Star Wars: KotOR II, in preparation of the game’s February 11th European release date. A snip: Conversations may last up to fifteen minutes as there is a plethora of questions and answers and…

Mythic Entertainment Interview

GamersInfo had the opportunity to chat with several key developers at Mythic Entertainment, including Matt Firor, Mike Lescault, Sanya Thomas, Scott Jennings, Linda Robbins, Jen Ortiz, and Walt Yarbrough. In the interview, the team talks about Dark Age of Camelot,…

EverQuest II Contest Reminder

Remember, there are only three days left to enter our contest for a chance to score some EverQuest II merchandise! Click here for all the details.

The Matrix Online Lore Interview, Part Two

IGN’s MxO Vault is offering the second installment to their interview about the storyline and lore surrounding The Matrix Online. This installment’s questions are once again answered by Monolith’s Toby Ragaini: Q: Will The Sentinel Newspaper be written by anonymous…