Gaming News

The Witcher Peek #11

RPGVault brings us the eleventh installment to their “peek” feature for The Witcher, this time taking a closer look at the game’s magic system. Check it out: You don’t become a mage because of your good looks. It all starts…

City of Heroes Review

Gamers Europe has tossed up a review of City of Heroes, giving the superhero MMORPG an overall score of 9.5 Their final paragraph: City of Heroes is a game that has something for everyone. Even if you don’t like playing…

The Matrix Online Combat Preview

GameSpy has put together another two-page preview for The Matrix Online, this time focusing on the game’s combat. An excerpt to follow: So far, however, it seems that the battles are designed almost exclusively for one-on-one encounters. As in any…

World of Warcraft Review

Eurogamer is the latest website to review World of Warcraft, giving Blizzard’s MMORPG an overall score of 8 Why didn’t it receive a 9 or 10? Check out their last few paragraphs: Reviews are buyer’s guides. To MMOGs a review’s…

EverQuest II Pizza Ordering System

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that you no longer have to leave your computer chair to order pizza when playing EverQuest II. Now, instead of burning a calorie by standing up and using a phone, you can simply type “/pizza”…

Dungeon Siege II Preview

IGN PC is offering up a closer look at the Dire Wolf and mysterious Tomb of the Champion from Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege II. An excerpt about the latter: The Tomb of the Champion is a relic of the…

SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix Review has posted a review of Shadow of the Phoenix, giving the SpellForce expansion an overall score of 67 Their conclusion: However, oodles of new content does not a great expansion make (stick that in your book of quotations). If…

The Bard’s Tale Review

The Armchair Empire is offering up a review of The Bard’s Tale, giving the action RPG an overall score of 7.8 Here’s why: I wonder if I would have liked it better without the Norrath games to compare it too,…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Previews

Midway’s newly announced Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows is the subject of two more previews around the ‘net. The first is over at GameSpy: In multiplayer — which is obviously how the game is best played — fighting is made even more…

More Reports on Troika’s Closure

In addition to a quick note on Penny Arcade about the rumors surrounding Troika’s closure, GameSpot has posted a lengthy news article that pretty much sums up what is known so far. Here’s a snip from the latter that addresses…