Gaming News

Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Two more very positive reviews for LucasArts and Obsidian’s Star Wars: KotOR II have made their way to the web. The first is at Prophecy with an overall score of 9/10: It’s been slim pickings for RPG fans of late,…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Preview

UGO has put together a two-page preview of Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows, based on what they were shown at Midway’s Winter’s Game Day 2005. An excerpt to follow: Combat has also been beefed up a bit with multiple weapons, a simplistic…

City of Heroes Issue #4 Interview

Computer Games Magazine has conducted an interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the lead designer addresses questions about the upcoming downloadable Issue #4 update for City of Heroes. A snip: Q: What will the PVP arenas in the…

Silent Storm: Sentinels Review

WorthPlaying has posted a review of Silent Storm: Sentinels, giving the expansion pack an overall score of 9.0/10 and their Editor’s Choice Award. Their conclusion: This is a great expansion that does nothing but improve on what already was an…

The Bard’s Tale Review

The guys at 3DAvenue and Gamebiz brin us the most recent reviews of inXile’s action RPG remake, The Bard’s Tale. 3DAvenue gave the game an overall score of 75/100: The Bard’s Tale is a game that has been updated but…

The Matrix Online Preview

RPG Vault has put together a two-page preview of The Matrix Online, based upon their time in the game’s beta test. An excerpt to follow: Another key facet worth mentioning is the “wire-fu” combat. Battles are generally one on one.…

World of Warcraft Tips of the Week #12

RPGVault is offering up some additional advice to aid you in your travels through Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. The twelfth installment discusses ranged weapon use for Warriors and exploration vs. leveling. A snip: Players often assume that the goal in…

Freedom Force v1.3 Patch Released

Irrational Games has released a version 1.3 patch for Freedom Force, which fixes a problem with the game not running successfully under Windows XP Service Pack 2. According to Irrational’s front page: This patch is intended for use by users…

Guild Wars Screenshots #17

The guys at RPGVault have tossed up another batch of screenshots for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time featuring the Charr and the destruction they’ve wrought.

The Matrix Online Character Gallery

RPG Vault has revealed sixteen new screenshots depicting the diverse male and female avatars you can create in The Matrix Online. Check ’em out right here.