Gaming News

D&D Online Members Only Forum & Dev Diary

Turbine has created a new “Members Only” forum on the official Dungeons & Dragons Online website, which is the only place you’ll find a new dev diary written by designer David Eckelberry. A snippet from the diary: Meanwhile, another problem…

Champions: Return to Arms Reviews

Sony and Snowblind’s Champions: Return to Arms is the subject of two new reviews on the web. The first is at Game Revolution with an overall score of : As an expansion pack, Champions: Return to Arms makes sense. It…

Guild Wars Preview

The guys over at Boomtown have put together a preview of ArenaNet’s upcoming MMORPG, Guild Wars. Check it out: There are two other very unique features to this game. Number one is if you are short on players you can…

Star Wars: KotOR II Petition

An online petition has been started to convince LucasArts and Obsidian to release the scripted endings that never made it into the final version of Star Wars: KotOR II. The full text of what is being petitioned: We believe that…

GB Feature: Champions: RtA Unique Item Database

We’ve taken our original unique item database from Champions of Norrath and expanded it with a vast assortment of new and updated items from the recently released sequel. Now, you can search well over 600 unique items (up to level…

Anarchy Online To Feature In-Game Ads

The full press release: Funcom and Massive Inc. to Implement Revolutionary Game Ad Deal – Anarchy Online first game to feature dynamic in-game advertisement billboards – Durham, USA February 24, 2004 Funcom, developer and publisher of top video game titles…

RPGDot’s Game of the Year 2004 Awards, Cont’d

RPGDot has continued to list their 2004 “Game of the Year” winners, with titles like Star Wars: KotOR II and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion receiving awards. Here’s a list of the most recent winners, with links to each respective section:…

RPGDot’s Game of the Year 2004 Awards, Cont’d

RPGDot has continued to list their 2004 “Game of the Year” winners, with titles like Star Wars: KotOR II and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion receiving awards. Here’s a list of the most recent winners, with links to each respective section:…

Vampire: Bloodlines Review

Gaming Excellence has posted a review of Vampire: Bloodlines, giving Troika’s latest CRPG an overall score of 8 Their conclusion: Overall the game was done quite well. The story was fantastic, the voice acting well done and the game’s art…