Gaming News

A Week of Guild Wars Coverage

Digital Entertainment News has begun a week-long feature for Guild Wars, in which they will be providing articles, images, and other media for ArenaNet’s upcoming MMORPG. Here’s the intro: This week, Digital Entertainment News is bringing you a plethora of…

Flagship’s Bill Roper on Diablo III has conducted an interview with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper, in which the former Blizzard designer offers some input on the recent rumors that Diablo III is under development. The interview is in German, but a translation can be found…

FF vs. the Third Reich Character Profiles, Part Two

The second installment to IGN PC’s Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich character profile feature is now available, featuring Tricolour, The Bard, and Quetzalcoatl. An excerpt about the latter: Although Quetzalcoatl looks big and beefy, he’s primarily a support character,…

Sudeki Reviews

With a PC version of Sudeki coming soon, you may want to check out the latest reviews of the Xbox version to aid your decision on whether or not to buy it. The first is at RPGDot with an overall…

Morrowind: Game of the Year Review

The Junkyard has posted a review of Morrowind: Game of the Year, giving the updated Xbox version an overall score of 7.4 Here’s why: If you have tried Morrowind and like it, the GOTY is definitely worth your money. The…

Dungeon Lords Reaches Beta Status

The full press release: DreamCatcher’s Dungeon Lords Reaches Beta Status Announces Additional Call for Beta Test Applications Toronto, ON March 1, 2005 DreamCatcher Games today announced Dungeon Lords, an epic Combat RPG from D.W. Bradley and Heuristic Park, has reached…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Q&A

GameGuru Mania has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, in which the executive producer answers a batch of questions about the soon-to-be-released Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: Could you…

Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

The reviews continue to pour in for LucasArts and Obsidian’s Star Wars: KotOR II, with two more surfacing overnight. The first is at with an overall score of 89/100: Despite the limited amount of time at their disposal, Obsidian…

The Matrix Online Developer Journal #2

RPG Vault has published the second installment to their ongoing developer journal for The Matrix Online. This time around, Monolith’s Toby Ragaini reveals how game will advance the art of virtual world storytelling. An excerpt to follow: Certain moments and…

FF vs. the Third Reich Character Profiles, Part One

IGN PC is offering up the first installment to a new character profile feature for Irrational’s Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. In it, we’re given some background information for Black Jack, Tombstone, Sky King, and Green Genie. A snip…