Gaming News

KotOR II: The Incompletion Controversy has written up an editorial entitled “KotOR II: The Incompletion Controversy”, in which they focus on the many areas of the game that were left out due to time constraints. An excerpt: In the past few weeks, problems that…

Irrational Games Q&A

Cathode Tan has published a Q&A with Irrational Games’ Bill Gardner, in which the developer offers some feedback about SWAT and their Freedom Force titles. An excerpt: Q: Irrational made the decision to self-publish the new Freedom Force title. How…

Namco Awarded Publishing Rights to Warhammer

The full press release: Namco Hometek Inc. Awarded Interactive Game Publishing Rights to Games Workshop®’s Warhammer® Fantasy License Namco to Develop PC Titles Based on the Popular Fantasy Wargames Brand Santa Clara, Ca., (March 8, 2005) Global video games publisher,…

Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords is the subject of two more reviews, one positive and the other mediocre. The first is over at GameZone with an overall score of 9.3/10: Highly enjoyable from start to finish, The Sith…

Champions: Return to Arms Reviews

A whole slew of new reviews for Sony and Snowblind’s Champions: Return to Arms hit the web over the past few days. The first is at Cincinatti Weekly with no overall score: Though RTA may seem more like an expansion…

Guild Wars Screenshots #19

The guys at RPG Vault have tossed up another batch of screenshots for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time featuring the Bloodstone Fen area.

World of Warcraft: Dire Maul Preview

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a preview of Dire Maul, a new high-level dungeon encounter featured in the game’s next content patch. Check it out: I had been sent here by the Sage to…

Dungeon Siege II Preview

GameDAILY has put together a preview of Dungeon Siege II, based upon what is known about the action RPG sequel thus far. Here’s a bit to start you off: DS2’s multiplayer will be unique and fast-paced. This is due to…

EverQuest II Reviews

A couple of new reviews for Sony’s EverQuest sequel surfaced on the web over the past weekend. The first is at WarGamer with no overall score: EverQuest II is a great sequel. There has been a large amount of care…

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Q&A

Experience Gaming has published a Q&A with Bethesda’s Todd Howard, in which the executive producer reveals some new information about the upcoming Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. A taste: Q: Those of us who are explorers wish to know how you…