Gaming News

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review

GameSpy has written up a three-page review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, giving Irrational’s superhero RPG sequel an overall score of 4.5 A snip: From a purely technical standpoint, the game’s new engine is a most welcome overhaul.…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #36

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about their upcoming Guild Wars, and this time it’s over at Rage321’s Guild Wars Fansite. An excerpt to follow: Q: With the success of the World Preview Event in October of 2004,…

WoW Gold/Item Farmers Accounts Closed

In their continued efforts to curb sales of in-game equipment, Blizzard has announced that they have closed over one thousand World of Warcraft accounts for selling gold and items on eBay. The announcement: Over the recent weeks we have been…

New Jade Empire Trailer

GameSpot has scored a brand new trailer for BioWare’s Jade Empire, which clocks in at just over a minute long. Check it out right here.

GB Feature: Gothic II Review

We’ve written up a two-page review of Gothic II, giving Piranha Bytes’ RPG sequel an overall score of 8.4 Here’s why: Gothic II is a good RPG, there is no denying that. The large environments, quests, and characters all make…

The Matrix Online Interview

Computer Games Magazine has conducted an interview with several members of The Matrix Online development team, including lead designer Toby Ragaini, designers Adam Bormann and Bruce Harlick and lead designer of the game’s Live team Erik Krebs. Here’s a bit…

Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

Three more very enthusiastic reviews for LucasArts and Obsidian’s Star Wars: KotOR sequel have hit the ‘net. The first is at LoadedInc with an overall score of 9/10: Graphically, Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords is no oil…

Asheron’s Call 2: Legions Interview

RPG Vault has published a three-page interview with Turbine’s Eric Heimburg, in which the producer talks at length about their Asheron’s Call 2: Legions expansion pack. A snippet: Q: In summary, what is the Hero system, and how does it…

EverQuest II: The Bloodline Chronicles Preview

IGN PC has whipped up a two-page preview of Sony Online’s upcoming EverQuest II adventure pack, The Bloodline Chronicles. Check it out: Players who don’t purchase the adventure pack will still be hearing about some events surrounding it regardless. Even…