Gaming News

Free Web-Based Freedom Force Game Available

The full press release: FREEDOM FORCE BEGINS WORLD WIDE WAR New Website Offers Exclusive Free Play Of Unique Freedom Force Combat Game Fans of Freedom Force who can’t wait to enjoy the latest exploits of Minute Man, Tombstone, Tricolour, Blackjack…

Planescape: Torment Revisited

Gamers With Jobs has written up an article entitled “Planescape: Torment Revisited”, in which they delve into the game’s story-telling ability and offer their thoughts on why it was second to none. A snippet: Upon touching the stone labelled “Longing”,…

Dungeon Lords Comparative Preview

FileFront has launched another of their “comparative” previews, this time putting Heuristic Park’s Dungeon Lords up against Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Their overall comparison: Placing a pre-beta build of a game beside a truly revolutionary example of the genre…

Jade Empire Screenshots

WorthPlaying has tossed up a large assortment of screenshots from BioWare’s soon-to-be-released Xbox RPG, Jade Empire.

Dungeon Lords Screenshots #7

Six new screenshots have been revealed in RPG Vault’s seventh installment to their Dungeon Lords media feature, this time featuring several of the game’s spells and their graphical effects.

Neverwinter Nights 2 Artwork

WorthPlaying has gotten their hands on eight new pieces of concept art from Obsidian’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights sequel.

Dungeon Lords Q&A

GameSpot has published a two-page Q&A with DreamCatcher’s Mark Harwood, in which the Dungeon Lords producer talks about the soon-to-be-released action RPG. Check it out: Q: We’ve noticed that although the game takes a very modern approach to much of…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes new fighting videos for Jade Empire, information about the NWN Community Tileset Pack project, and more. Straight from BioWare’s front page: View two new…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview

Vanguard Gate has conducted an interview with Sigil Games’ Nick Parkinson and Steve Burke, in which the developers discuss their upcoming MMORPG, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. A little something to start you off: Q: Do you think that players really…

Might & Magic Franchise Returns

Ubisoft has announced a “return of the legendary Might & Magic brand”, in the form of Heroes of Might & Magic V and other unannounced titles: Ubisoft Powers into Heroic Fantasy Genre with New Title Paris, FRANCE March 30, 2005…