Gaming News

SWG: Rage of the Wookiees Interview has published an interview with Sony Online’s Dallas Dickinson, in which the producer reveals some new information about the upcoming Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees expansion pack. Check it out: Q: Are there any new beasts unique…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Review

The guys at HookedGamers have posted a review of Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, giving the superhero RPG sequel an overall score of 8 Here’s why: The above can be easily forgiven though, because everything else has been done…

Fable II Only For Xbox Next?

The folks at SPOnG are reporting that any future Fable titles will only appear on Microsoft’s next Xbox console. Ready to shell out another several hundred dollars this Christmas? In an interview with the official Xbox site, Shane Kim, head…

Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows Interview

FileFront has conducted an interview with Midway Games’ Josh Sawyer, in which the designer answers three pages of questions about Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. Here’s a snip about weaponry: Q: What sort of weaponry will be available to the players? Will…

Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone Reviews

Two new reviews have reached the web for Atari and Stormfront’s D&D action RPG, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone. The first is at Gameplanet with an overall score of 3.5/5: To sum it all up, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone is really…

Guild Wars Screenshots #23

The guys at RPG Vault have tossed up another batch of screenshots for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time depicting the Necromancer’s ability to raise Bone Horrors from existing corpses.

Star Wars Galaxies Interview

IGN’s SWG Vault has conducted an interview with LucasArts’ Julio Torres, in which the Star Wars Galaxies producer answers a large batch of questions about the MMORPG. Here’s a taste: Q: We saw in a recent publish the elimination of…

New DAoC Executive Producer Announced

The full press release: MYTHIC ENTERTAINMENT PROMOTES JEFF HICKMAN TO DARK AGE OF CAMELOT EXECUTIVE PRODUCER FAIRFAX, VA – April 4, 2005 – Mythic Entertainment, developer and publisher of the massively-multiplayer online game Dark Age of Camelot, today announced that…

Dragonshard Community Update #1

Atari’s Shane DeFreest has sent us over the first of what will no doubt be many community updates for Dragonshard. Included in this update are two questions answered by Liquid Entertainment and a pair of brand new screenshots… Q: How…

Is World of Warcraft Doomed?

That’s apparently what Grimwell Online thinks, and they’ve released a lengthy article backing up their claims on why they feel the game will lose a large portion of its subscriber base. An excerpt to follow: In the 120,000+ player chart,…