Gaming News

Sacred Underworld Trailer

WorthPlaying has posted yet another gameplay trailer, this time showing some footage from Ascaron’s action RPG expansion, Sacred Underworld.

Tactica Online Interview

MMORPGDot has conducted an interview with Imaginary Numbers’ Luke Carruthers, in which the founder and CEO provides some feedback about their upcoming turn-based MMORPG, Tactica Online. A snip: Q: Another major departure for the genre is turn-based combat. Can you…

Dungeon Lords Trailer

The guys at WorthPlaying have gotten their hands on a new 10MB gameplay trailer for DreamCatcher and Heuristic Park’s Dungeon Lords.

Auto Assault Biomeks Profile Feature

GameSpot has whipped up another feature for NCsoft and Netdevil’s Auto Assault, this time profiling the game’s Biomek race. Once again, they provide information about the race’s advantages and available classes. A snippet about the Mastermind: Masterminds are by far…

Dark Age of Camelot Visit Report

RPG Vault has released a two-page article that describes a recent visit they paid to Mythic Entertainment’s headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia. An excerpt to follow: As a prelude to talking about what’s coming up for Dark Age of Camelot, Hickman…

Dragonshard Wallpaper & Upcoming Chat

In addition to a brand new Dragonshard wallpaper, we also bring you details about an upcoming chat for the Dungeons & Dragons RTS/RPG hybrid. 800×6401024×8191280×1024 The chat details: will be hosting a chat with Dragonshard developers Ed Kaminski (Producer),…

Guild Wars Preview

Fragland has written up a preview of ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, based upon some recent hands-on time they’ve spent with the MMORPG. Take a look: One of the unique things about Guild Wars is the technology. The installer is pathetically small…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes a video preview of the Prima DVD Jade Empire guide, information about a new Neverwinter Nights PvP mod, and more. Straight from BioWare’s front…

Guild Wars Website Redesign

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with a sleeker design, as well as support for other languages. Check it out right here.