Gaming News

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes Jade Empire easter eggs, bloopers, forum portraits, and more. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Be sure to register your copy of Jade Empire to…

Dungeon Lords Screenshots #9

Six new screenshots have been revealed in RPG Vault’s ninth installment to their Dungeon Lords media feature, this time depicting an assortment of locales and encounters from the game.

World of Warcraft Reviews

A pair of new reviews for Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft have hit the web over the past few days. The first is at GamerDad with an overall score of 4.5/5: In the end, World of Warcraft is much better…

Another Handful of Jade Empire Reviews

Five more reviews for BioWare’s newly released Jade Empire have landed on the web, all of which give the Xbox RPG a positive score. The first is at TotalVideoGames with an overall score of 9/10: Visually Jade Empire is a…

Jade Empire Combat Style Features

GameSpy has released two new features for Jade Empire – one that focuses on martial arts styles and another that focuses on support styles. A snip from the latter: Storm Dragon: The power of lightning is harnessed in this attack,…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

FiringSquad and Gamehelper bring us the latest reviews of Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. FiringSquad gave the game an overall score of 84%: Freedom Force vs The Third Reich polishes up some outstanding issues from Freedom Force,…

Dungeon Siege II Preview

Game Informer Online is the latest website to conjure up a preview of Dungeon Siege II, once again based upon a press copy of the game that has been floating around lately. A snippet: Engaging in combat and using magic…

Jade Empire Reviews

Two more reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire have trickled in just as the game makes its way to retail stores across North America. The first is at Electronic Gaming Monthly with apparently three different overall scores – 10/10, 9.5/10, and…